Reggae Respect: 35 Truths Nobody Wants To Accept

3 min readDec 29, 2020



  1. Nobody understands ‘la forma de ser del Panameño’
  2. Panamanian-Jamaicans Created The Blueprint To El Movimiento Urbano and or started el movimiento
  3. Panamanian Jamaicans Created The Blueprint of Reggaeton
  4. Hip Hop is culture, Black Panamanians of Antillean descent in Brooklyn were a big part of that culture the lyrical style of early artists = rapping + Singing
  5. Panamanians Jamaicans Aren’t Respected For Their Early Rapping because of their Dialect BUT YET whenever in present day respect is to be attributed to Jamaica, Panamanian Jamaican Contributions are left out, overlooked, disregarded.
  6. The comparing and contrasting of Afro Panamanian/Jamaican experience with that of Puerto Rico’s — because it’s often used to deter from actual contributions.
  7. Dominicans Are Left Out of the Conversation too often.
  8. El General didn’t pass the baton.
  9. Panamanian Society, supports romanticism or Love over Sex.
  10. Puerto Ricans went to work. While we(Afro Antillean Panamanians) were creating our music, Puerto ricans flew to Panama to learn the genre spending 6 months at a time there to then go home and incorporate what they learned.
  11. Panamanians artists were the first to perform in DJ Negro’s The Noise in Puerto Rico.
  12. Sound exchange & copyright were not thoroughly used during these times so there’s a lot of credit to be given to people who will most likely never get it because it’d cost too much money.
  13. Panamanians I need you to accept: that Puerto Ricans Innovated a new sound with the blueprint we created.
  14. Puerto ricans I need you to accept:that Panamanians created the blueprint for the sounds that you’ve then been able to innovate on.
  15. Innovation by Dominicans contributes to the uniqueness of Reggaeton i.e. Merengueton & Bachaton.
  16. Dominican producers are behind some of the biggest tracks of Reggaeton, infusing their raices with that of Puerto Rico’s therefore a lot of this ‘Puerto Rican music’ is Dominican.
  17. A large part of the reason why Reggaeton is Black despite having a majority white Roster is because a lot of the producers are afro Dominican.
  18. The Jones Act of PR helped Puerto Rico with accessibility, it is an advantage nobody wants to acknowledge.
  19. Perreo is Black.
  20. Reggaeton is Black
  21. I say “Reggaeton is the manifestation of the whitenening of Perreo” in other words it’s the result created by the process by which Perreo is white washed.
  22. A large percentage of Music being created right now is classified as reggaeton and it isn’t.
  23. Puerto Ricans turned pain into magic. Period.
  24. Majority of the best songs to come out of the “movimiento urbano” come from Puerto Ricans.
  25. Puerto Ricans help Puerto Ricans, the youth of PR accepting the sexual deviance of Perreo help create a culture that would allow this music to thrive nationally and internationally.
  26. Race & Culture are two different phenomenas with that said, individually / collectively they influence who has been able to have a career in this market and who can’t.
  27. White Latinx are supported more in hip hop than Black latinx.
  28. White Latinx create Hip hop and it’s exotic because clearly it’s something that is being recreated by a group of people that it doesn’t belong to and that’s exciting.
  29. Perreo is Political.
  30. Reggaeton is Pop.
  31. There’s a difference between Reggaeton and Regueton. All Perreo is Reggaeton but All Reggaeton isn’t Perreo.
  32. Only 10 negras maximum have a career in reggaeton versus 60+ blancas.
  33. Black women are fetishized and that contributes to the lack of respect they are given in this genre.
  34. Lack of Visuals of black women and/or our erasure contribute to lack of humanization and misogynoir we face in these spaces.
  35. Anyone has the right to create any style genre of music, with that said there’s a lack of analysis of who created, who innovated, and who’s recycling.
  36. Classifying Reggaeton as vulgar while other genres of music get away with metaphoric references to sex is a waste of time



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